

The Units are 300 sqm in sizeThey are four (4)bedroom houses + DSQ, all ensuite 3 bedrooms are located on the upper floor while the DSQ and the other bedroom […]

July 11, 2020
  • Location:
    Two Rivers
  • Status:
    On Going
  • Associated firms:
    Town Houses
  • Photographers:
    Fisic Arch'


    The Units are 300 sqm in size
    They are four (4)bedroom houses + DSQ,
     all ensuite 3 bedrooms are located on the upper 
    floor while the DSQ and the other bedroom located on the lower floor
    Every cluster of 8 duplexes will have their private garden
    Duplexes security perimeter shared with Runda security wall on one side
    The total number of units is 56 (Fifty Six)

    Project Presentation.

    An eros argumentum vel, elit diceret duo eu, quo et aliquid ornatus delicatissimi. Cu nam tale ferri utroque, eu habemus albucius mel, cu vidit possit ornatus eum. Eu ius postulant salutatus definitionem, explicari. Graeci viderer qui ut, at habeo facer solet usu. Pri choro pertinax indoctum ne, ad partiendo persecuti forensibus est.

    Plan and sketches of the project.